What Happens to Transports Around Holidays
When major holidays approach, it changes the transport industry, causing delays and often higher prices. Drivers want to be home with family around holidays–especially if it creates a long weekend.
The result of fewer drivers (and trucks) on the road is a backup of vehicles awaiting transport. When delays happen, prices rise to entice the carriers to drop another vehicle and take theirs instead, increasing cancellations, as well, as carriers go after the highest-priced vehicles.
When holiday weekends are coupled with the increased volume of month’s end, delays and price increases are compounded even more. You can easily see why Team Alex puts out holiday alerts to our dealer customers when it significantly impacts transporting their vehicles.
Holiday backlogs can take a few days to a few weeks–depending on the severity of the backlog–to clear. The good news is that knowing what to expect can help you plan for the added time and/or expense of shipping around holidays and long holiday weekends.
Team Alex tries its best to prepare our customers for predictable transport industry events. It’s just one way we stand out from other transport companies. We want to arm our customers with the knowledge that allows them to make informed decisions.