The Downfalls of Multiple Transport Brokers
A mistake often made unknowingly by relatively new salespeople is to hire multiple transport brokers for the same shipment, thinking their vehicle will get picked up faster that way. Actually, it can hinder your chances of getting picked up at all.
All transport brokers pull from the same pool of about 20,000 carriers, so having multiple listings can not only work against you but it can raise your price. Enlisting more than one broker can confuse carriers (multiple listings for the same vehicle on the national load boards is confusing because they do not know who has the contract and who would be a waste of their time to contact). When in doubt, they may just skip to the next vehicle.
Enlisting multiple brokers can also raise your price because the brokers are competing against one another (for your same vehicle) for the same carriers and drivers. Think of it like asking a friend to bid against you at an auction–it would only succeed in driving up the price.
Team Alex also uses the national load boards, in addition to other means for contacting drivers and carriers, including ones that we developed just for our customers. We have the ability to email all carriers known to run on a particular route, sending an email directly to hundreds of carriers who may have a last-minute cancellation.
Our email blasts are quite effective at finding a “hidden” opening that the national load boards would not. It’s just one of the ways Team Alex stands out from other brokers to do everything in our power to get the job done for our customers.