When Will My Vehicle Be Delivered?
In another Team Alex FAQ, we discuss pickup dates and how they can change, which, naturally, can impact your delivery date. Delivery dates are a bit harder to nail down, especially on longer trips.
Delivery dates are estimated until the expected date is closer and may occasionally be earlier or later than originally estimated. That’s a key reason we provide the carrier’s contact info and suggest you contact them, once your vehicle is in transit. The carrier is your best source to provide up-to-date info and you will need to make final delivery arrangements with them directly.
Please understand that delivery dates can change if there are unexpected delays due to traffic, weather, breakdowns or the inevitable “what if” that happens along the way. We (and the carriers) do our best to estimate dates, but there are a lot of factors beyond our control and an exact date can be very difficult to predict, given all the variables involved in vehicle transport.
Remember that any family member, friend or neighbor (of legal age) can receive a vehicle on your behalf. You may also want to see another FAQ titled “Cancellations, Delays & Changes in Schedules” for more info. The dealership where you will bring it for service might be another option to explore, especially if you already have a relationship with the Service Manager.
It is best to be prepared for the occasional transport change. It can happen and, wherever possible, we try to keep you informed and encourage the carrier to do the same. Watch your email and/or texting for any changes that may arise during your transport. We thank you for trusting Team Alex to be your transport provider.