Why are Shipping Dates Estimated?

Why are Shipping Dates Estimated?

Why are shipping dates estimated?

The transportation industry is market-driven, meaning the supply and demand for the services of transport trucks is what sets prices.  Every route has its own rate the market will bear, and rates fluctuate based on market triggers.  A key item to remember is that our price to you only increases when the market increases

For every available opening on a transport truck, there are 15-20 cars waiting for a ride.  We’re all spoiled by Uber but believing there’s a transport truck on every street corner heading in your exact direction is unrealistic.  The opposite is actually true–demand for openings far exceeds supply.  

As stated in our quotes, standard pickup is normally within 3-4 days and delivery time depends on mileage traveled and the number of stops needed.  Most transporters travel about 350-400 miles a day, when you factor in stops, traffic, construction and Federally-mandated rest requirements imposed for safety.  

Team Alex uses only the highest-rated carriers because they tend to have fewer problems, including timeliness, and top-rated carriers command higher prices.  While using only highly-rated carriers cannot guarantee a problem-free or on-time transport, it sure helps.